Serving All Of Northwest Arkansas 479-256-0062

Cranial Sacral Massage

Head, Spinal Column and Sacrum Massage Therapy

                                         therapy is a noninvasive approach that releases compression in inconvenient areas that often cause stress and pain. Compared to deep tissue massage this is a noninvasive therapy technique that addresses the head, spinal column, and sacrum. This massage therapy will release compressions and will improve overall functionality of your central nervous system. The goal of cranial sacral therapy is simply to restore the natural position of the bones to reduce stress from chronic injuries. This therapy when done correctly can eliminate migraines, lessen unbearable neck and back pain, and relieve TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder, which is the inflammation of the joint that connects the lower jaw and skull. According to the National Headache Foundation roughly 28 million Americans report having regular migraine headaches. A combination of stress and poor sleep caused a large portion of the migraines reported. Researchers studied the effects of cranial sacral therapy on participants exhibiting frequent migraines to relieve their symptoms. The study concluded that the bodywork therapy used in cranial sacral massage allowed for better quality of sleep and fewer migraines even after the therapy had ended. Many clients don’t realize that the muscles on their scalp are responsible for emitting facial expressions. With daily neglect and tension this can build up and cause unwanted headaches. Clients regularly feel that tension disappear with a single cranial sacral session.
479-256-0062 5311 W Village Pkwy Rogers, Arkansas
Massage Garage NWA Where People Go for Tune Ups
cranial sacral massage

Cranial sacral massage


Cranial Sacral


Head, Spinal Column and Sacrum Massage


                                         therapy is a noninvasive approach that releases compression in inconvenient areas that often cause stress and pain. Compared to deep tissue massage this is a noninvasive therapy technique that addresses the head, spinal column, and sacrum. This massage therapy will release compressions and will improve overall functionality of your central nervous system. The goal of cranial sacral therapy is simply to restore the natural position of the bones to reduce stress from chronic injuries. This therapy when done correctly can eliminate migraines, lessen unbearable neck and back pain, and relieve TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder, which is the inflammation of the joint that connects the lower jaw and skull. According to the National Headache Foundation roughly 28 million Americans report having regular migraine headaches. A combination of stress and poor sleep caused a large portion of the migraines reported. Researchers studied the effects of cranial sacral therapy on participants exhibiting frequent migraines to relieve their symptoms. The study concluded that the bodywork therapy used in cranial sacral massage allowed for better quality of sleep and fewer migraines even after the therapy had ended. Many clients don’t realize that the muscles on their scalp are responsible for emitting facial expressions. With daily neglect and tension this can build up and cause unwanted headaches. Clients regularly feel that tension disappear with a single cranial sacral session.
479-256-0062 5311 W Village Pkwy Rogers, Arkansas
Massage Garage NWA Where People Go for Tune Ups
cranial sacral massage

Cranial sacral massage